From the outset, eKlogia was thought to serve the churches and Christian communities; to help them form partnerships with civil society and their local communities. However, more than awakening the love of Creation and the consciousness of being the key agents for a change of environmental ethics, we have sought to make the necessary tools available to the communities and families, for implementing sustainable measures in their churches.
Across the four various Algarvian cities we had the pleasure of dealing and talking with members of the public about the need to care for Creation and the need to involve the Christian communities in this effort. Religious groups and Sunday schools; Senior University classes; elderly day care centres; preschools; science classes, geography and other disciplines; are just some of the examples of our 3,600 visitors. The message is clear and concise: Christians are naturally partners in the effort to care for and preserve nature thus are called upon to act. Despite the diversity of the groups the reaction to this message has always been positive and everyone comes out motivated to act in defence of the environment.
The challenges for 2013 are immense but the interest shown by local authorities to know this project is more than enough motivation to continue the dialogue and work on behalf of informed and engaged communities.
We can say that at the beginning of the first quarter eKlogia will be in a city near you! Which city? Pay attention to news from next month.
Thank you to every friend who is walking with us and helping to carry out this work.