A ROCHA has been invited to have a presence at Mission-Net, a mission conference for young adults aged 16-30 being held in Offenburg, Germany from 28 about 3,000 young adults to attend, from every part of Europe.

A ROCHA will be involved with:

  • Seminars on creation care;
  • An A ROCHA stand in the “Global Market” area;
  • Suggestions for delegates to get involved in creation care when they return to their own country.
Are you thinking of going or not? Do you want to help us by representing your country’s A ROCHA? Do you know of someone going that would be interested in helping? Whatever your situation we have a few ways you could get involved:

  • Seminars – By participating in the seminars on creation care you could also help others better understand the work we do and what would be the best way for them to engage too.
  • Stand – A ROCHA will have a stand in the “Global Market” area, a place where thousands of young adults will contact with mission opportunities from all over the world. Your presence there when people are visting the stand would be of good encouragement for others to get involved too.
  • Prayer – please pray this would be a strategic opportunity to engage with young adults from across Europe, to increase A Rocha’s profile and support amongst young Christians, and to spread the message of creation care.