The Centre is the meeting point where one of the pillars of A ROCHA’s work is carried: the community!
The centre is much more than a house. It is a place of scientific study and environmental education. It is a place for meetings and reunions. It is a port of refuge and rest. In short, it is a place full of life, friendship, passion and a huge complicity among all who care about environmental issues or faith. It is an open house for all, regardless of colour, gender, creed or lack thereof, profession or affiliation. This is where we exchange life experiences, mutually enrich each other and work together for more just and environmentally sustainable world, as well as more balanced lives in all aspects.

A ROCHA has a broader understanding of community. No wonder we say we live in a global village. Even though we don’t seek to respond to all problems around the globe, we can not ignore those that are close to us. Hence the centre is facing out on a quest to be community among the communities where it operates. The population of Mexilhoeira Grande, but also Alvor and Odiáxere are the communities for whom we work the most and their well being is important to us. A ROCHA knows that all environmental initiatives have consequences in the way we live. This is why A ROCHA is present so that it can experience first hand what can happen and to ensure that any environmental initiative is not against people but for their well being and the welfare of the ecosystems in which they live.
It is in this overall view that the centre becomes a place of life and sharing, research and education, work and play, care and transformation.