Since the first studies began in the Alvor Estuary, A ROCHA always made sure that their results and conclusions were communicated in order to make this scientific knowledge of the area more accessible. This has also been a tool that proved crucial in the conservation and management of species and habitats, and we want to develop it further in the near future.
At the beginning, our publications were available as brochures and observation reports, but more recently we have been publishing several articles in indexed journals, as well as papers for conferences and seminars, as you can see below.
Scientific Articles
Bolton, M. & Thomas, R.J. 1999. Northwards migration of European storm petrels Hydrobates pelagicus, captured in Portuguese coastal waters. Proceedings, II Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA.
Bolton M. & Thomas R.J. 2001. Moult and ageing of Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus. Ringing & Migration 20, 193-201.
Boski, T., Sousa, C., Loureiro, C., Limpo, S., Albardeiro, L., Camacho, S., Pereira, L., Amaral, A., Nieto, J., Rodriguez, J., Salas, L., González-Villa, F., Pérez, J. Simonson, W. & Lima, A. 2006. Como funciona um estuário? Aplicação didáctica. GUADID, versão 1.1 CD-ROM. Projecto MEGASIG, Programa INTERREG
Boski, T., Terefenko, P., Loureiro, C., Albardeiro, L., Camacho, S., Pereira, L., Amaral, A., Nieto, J., Rodriguez, J., Salas, L., González-Villa, F., Pérez, J. & Simonson, W., 2006. Sistema de Informação Geográfica para o Estuário do Rio Guadiana. SIG GUADIANA, versão 1.1 DVD. Projecto MEGASIG, Programa INTERREG III A.
Catry, P., Lecoq, M., Conway, G., Felgueiras, M., King, J., & Hamidi, S., 2006. Serão as toutinegras Sylvia atricapilla migradores diferenciais relativamente ao sexo? Ardeola, 53 (1): 31-38.
Catry, P., Lecoq, M., Araújo, A., Conway, G., Felgueiras, M., King, J. M. B., Rumsey, S., Salima, H. and Tenreiro, P. (2005). Differential migration of chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita and P. ibericus in Europe and Africa. – J. Avian Biol. 36: 184-190.
Harris P., Fowler J.A. & Okill J.D. 1993. Initial results of Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus ringing in Portugal. Ringing & Migration 14, 133-134.
Medeiros, R., Ramos, J. A., Paiva, V. H., Almeida, A., Pedro, P., & Antunes, S., 2007. Signage reduces the impact of human disturbance on little tern nesting success in Portugal. Biological Conservation, 135: 99 – 106.
Medeiros R., King A.R., Symondson W.O.C et al. subm. Molecular evidence for gender differences in migratory behaviour of a small seabird. Oikos.
Medeiros, R. 2010. The Migration Strategy, Diet & Foraging Ecology of a Small Seabird in a Changing Environment. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Mitchell, R. J., Simonson, W., Flegg, L. A., Santos, P. & Hall, J. 2009. A comparison of the resilience of four habitats to fire, and the implication of changes in community composistion for conservation: a case study from the Serra de Monchique, Portugal. Plant Ecology & Diversity 2 (1): 45 – 56.
Thomas R.J., Pollard A. & Medeiros R. 2007 Evidence for intertidal foraging by European Storm Petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) during migration. Atlantic Seabirds 8, 87-95.
Conferences, presentations and posters
Batty, L., 2005, The value of Conceptual Ecosystem Models as a Research and Management Tools, the case of the Ria de Alvor, Portugal. Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Conference ECSA 39; Edinburgh, UK, 5 – 7 September 2005.
Medeiros, R., 2007. Links between climate change and the fuel loads of migrating storm petrels. Bird Migration & Global Change conference, Algeciras, Spain, March 2007.
Medeiros, R., Symondson, W.O.C., King, A. & Thomas, R.J., 2007. Storms and Stormpetrels: studying the impacts on climate change on small seabirds. Symposium on Molecular Approaches to the Study of Trophic Interactions, Innsbruk, Austria, March 2007.
Medeiros, R., Thomas, R., Symondson, W., Ramos, J., Bolton, M., & Felgueiras, M. (2011). Como estudar a dieta da mais pequena ave marinha do Atlântico – o Alma-deMestre Hydrobates pelagicus? . Livro de resumos – VII Congresso de Ornitologia & I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia Sociedade Portuguesa para (p. 63). Lisboa: SPEA.
Mitchell. R. J., Simonson, W., Flegg, L. A., Santos, P. & Hall, J., 2006. The impact of the fire on habitats of high conservation value within the Serra de Monchique, Portugal. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Oxford, UK, 5 – 7 September 2006.
Simonson, W. & Santos, C., 2005. Os efeitos dos fogos florestais sobre a Biodiversidade da Serra de Monchique: Implicações para a sua gestão. Seminário: O papel das Associações de Defesa do Ambiente na Gestão das Florestas e Prevenção de Incêndios. Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III, Loulé, Portugal, 15 Novembro 2005.
Simonson, W. 2006. Cartografia botânica do Estuário do Guadiana. Forum Guadiana – IV Simpósio Interdisciplinar sobre Processos Estuarinos. Reserva Natural do Sapal de Castro Marim, Portugal, 20 – 21 October 2006.
Simonson, W. & Mitchell, R., 2006. Land Use Change, Fire and Plant Conservation in the Serra de Monchique, Portugal. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary, 22 – 26 August, 2006.
Simonson, W. 2006. Spartina densiflora nos sapais do Estuário do Guadiana. Forum Guadiana – IV Simpósio Interdisciplinar sobre Processos Estuarinos. Reserva Natural do Sapal de Castro Marim, Portugal, 20 – 21 Outubro 2006.
Simonson, W., 2007. Cartografia georeferenciada da vegetação do Estuário do Guadiana. 1º Seminário sobre Conservação e Gestão de Zonas Húmidas. Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Mar, Peniche, portugal 12 -13 Outubro 2007.
Simonson, W. 2008. Halting biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean Basin. IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 5 – 14 October 2008.
Sousa, K., Hayden, J., Heleno, R. & Medeiros, R., 2006. Estudo e Conservação do Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida e da Chilreta na Ria de Alvor. V Congresso de Ornitologia de SPEA, Oeiras, Lisboa, 23 -26 Março 2006.
Thomas, R. J., 2006. Impacts of capture and handling on the behavior of wild birds. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour winter conference, London, November 2006.
Thomas, R. J., 2007. Bird behavior in a changing world. UK – Russia conference on climate change biology, Togliatti, Russia, 15 February 2007.
Thomas, R. J., 2007. Storm Petrels in Portugal. Earthwatch Institute Lecture at the Royal Geographical Society, 27 April 2006.
Jorge, F. B., & Kaye, J. (2001). Ria de Alvor – entre a terra e o mar, A ROCHA, Portugal.
Bolton, M. (1987). An Atlas of the Wintering Birds in the Western Algarve, A ROCHA, Portugal.
Simonson, W. (1993). Wild Flowers of the Alvor Estuary, A ROCHA, Portugal.
- List of some taxa of invasive species and their risks for Portugal: 1st version (PT)
- Otter distribution and habitat preference in Natura 2000 site Ria de Alvor (EN)
- Weather report 2003-2015 (EN)
Reports about moths:
- Moth Report, 2023 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2022 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2021 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2019-2020 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2018 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2017 (PT)
- Moth Report, 2016 (PT)
- Relatório de Capturas de Insectos em S. Brás de Alportel (PT)
- Moth trapping 2014-2015 (EN)
- Moth Report, 2015 (PT)
Reports about butterflies:
- Butterfly Report 2021 (only in portuguese)
- Butterfly Report, 2019-2020
Reports about birds:
- Birds of Ria de Alvor – An Annotated Checklist (1986 – 2019)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2022 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2021 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2020 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2019 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2018 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2017 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2016 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2015 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2014 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2013 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2012 (EN)
- Systematic list of the birds of Ria de Alvor 2011 (EN)
Ringing Reports:
- Ringing Report 2021
- Ringing Report 2020
- Ringing Report 2019
- Ringing Report 2017
- Ringing Report 2016
- Ringing Report 2015
Ringing controls:
A ROCHA Portugal’s Observatory Reports are available in PDF:
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2011-2014
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2009-2010
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2007-2008
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2005-2006
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2004
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2003
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2002
- A ROCHA Portugal Observatory Report 2000-2001