We all live in communities. The health of each community will depend on the strength of the group as it lives, works, plays and participates in community life. Churches are the body of Christ in each local community. A ROCHA Portugal believes that Christian communities play a key role in transforming our larger communities, both spiritually and practically.
A ROCHA Portugal has a vision to see the Portuguese Church living out the gospel and being active in God’s mission that includes sharing our faith with others and being involved in creation care. We dream of communities that understand the importance of scientific research, of environmental education and of community-based conservation projects. We desire to support the local church through resources for environmental and theological education, through partnership.
The challenge God gave us to watch over the earth and to take care of it (in the Bible, book fo Genesis 1:28) is still our challenge for today. Church communities are the perfect place to continue this challenge and seek for ways to carry out this task together. We imagine that each church will take its local community as their place to begin to change how we look at and treat the earth and what motivates us to do it. How will we be able to do all of this? Can we really influence our local community? Can we make a difference? What about in our homes? Are there ways we can get our families involved? A ROCHA wants to work hand in hand with Christian communities so the answers to the difficult questions we are facing today concerning the environment are asked and worked out together. No one ought to walk their faith journey alone, nor will the answer for creation care be found individually. The Church works best when it works in unity, as the Body of Jesus Christ.
A ROCHA Portugal is putting together Bible study materials for community groups (for all age groups), seminars, as well as resource packages that will give communities practical ideas of how to live in an environmentally friendly way. There a number of people who are available to speak with Christian communities about caring for God’s creation, both the theology and the science behind it.
Together we can build stronger, healthier and more sustainable communities.