Enhanced ENTREpreneurial attitude in adult education for a better LABour market integration
Erasmus+. KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

In order to reduce unemployment, the entrepreneurial education is considered a key factor for competitiveness and employment, social inclusion and personal development. In order to adapt to this need, a new type of attitude, initiative and responsibility are required. The valorisation of entrepreneurial attitude will improve traditional education, preparing people for life and offering the opportunities to adult people to find their place in the labour market, either by more easily finding a job as a result of having an entrepreneurial attitude and mindset, or by starting and running their own business.
The project aims to incubate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit through the development of a model ecosystem, which will stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship.
The main aim of the project is to empower trainers to create ecosystems of entrepreneurial learning for adult education, by assuming the role of the drivers of such ecosystems.
Learn more about us on our website: www.entrelab.eu
or follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/entrelab2018