
Our activities are in line with the areas of work that best meet our mission. We seek to gain a better understanding of the species, ecosystems and the planet so that we are better placed to contribute to environmental education and the conservation of its natural values. We develop projects that involve volunteers, local communities and partners from other sectors that are not directly related to the environment, so that we can better understand the environmental impact of our choices and actions. In doing so, we can also develop projects where there is a greater sense of belonging which, in turn, promote individual and collective care and responsibility for the environment.

We are an association and it is along these lines that we develop our work, seeking to engage with those who have the same kind of motivation and is committed to the same values to develop this joint project.

We also work in partnership with the international family of A ROCHA organizations as they seek to outwork the same values according to their own context. It is a network that that generates motivation and synergy and this enables us to do our work in cooperation, keeping what is distinctive in each A ROCHA.

Governing Bodies

The current composition of our governing bodies is as follows:

Conceição Almeida Santos – President
Marcial Felgueiras – Executive Director
Tiago Branco
Patricia Castro
Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel

General Assembly
Miguel Rodrigues – President
Helena Nobre Rogério – Secretary

Audit and Finance Committee
Filipe Reinaldo – President
Paulo Cardoso
Gerson Figueiredo


A ROCHA – Associação Cristã de Estudos e Defesa do Ambiente – has its headquarters in Cruzinha, Mexilhoeira Grande, close to Portimão.

Inspired by Christian values, A ROCHA is a non-profit legal entity with the following purposes:

  1. Study the Environment and Nature;
  2. Participate in the effort to protect nature and the environment, triggering, if necessary, all legitimate legal and extralegal mechanisms for their defense;
  3. Participate in the effort to conserve the environmental and natural heritage;
  4. Participate in the effort to educate the population and communities about the environment and sustainable development;
  5. Promote a sustainable and integral vision of life in society, in harmony with Christian values.

A ROCHA Portugal is part of an international community of organizations called A ROCHA International, which share the same vision, mission and values.

The current statutes were approved on 14th March 2009.